Therapeutic life coaching in Lancaster, Pa

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The energy of relating is the precursor to your quality of life.

Uncover unconsciously imposed perceptions of what is happening in your life
Overcome habitual patterns experienced as blocks in your relational experience
The path to well-being is by greeting your body with the language of relational fluency.
Learn to interpret and regulate the subtle signals of your body
Experience well-being through compassionate and fluent relational-language
Increase self-fluency via the energy of self-compassion and relational-language

Relationship is your experience of life

Relational OnFluency Approach

The makeup of your life is a series of relational experiences. By learning to connect attentively with our experiences and the nuanced structures that underlie, we become self-empowered in approaching relational change work.  Two inspiring principles from Relational Neuroscience inform the OnFluency approach: 

  • Safe and responsive relationships support the developmental healing processes of the embodied brain, promoting health and well-being.
  • Our brain’s ability to change in response to experience (neuroplasticity) is easier than we ever imagined. 

OnFluency models a compassionate, empathetic presence to support you in developing relational fluency,  understanding and relating with resonance to yourself and other people, moving you towards well-being.

OnFluency works with: Fear of feeling emotions; Health Anxiety; Generalized anxiety; Management of emotions; Stress management; Anger management; Low mood; Low self-esteem; 

Coping with chronic illness; Pain management; Grief and loss

Self-development; Lifestyle changes; Performance issues; Feeling blocked to productivity; Food cravings; Smoking cessation;

Trauma; Relationship issues; Insomnia; Relaxation;

You may simply be aware that you want change; to break away from limiting behaviours, habits and repeating patterns.

At OnFluency, Fluency for Feelings is at the core of everything we do. When untrained in reading your feelings and responding to them appropriately, your relationship to feelings might be an energy of fear that impacts your physiology and subsequently your health; Your ability to take care of yourself is limited. Self-care is essential for experiencing the energy of well-being and key to self-care is our relationship to feelings. We work with you to improve your relational energy via emotional literacy and fluency. The result is an ability to ‘read’ and relate to feelings in more beneficial ways, taking constructive action. You can read more about the OnFluency’s mission here. 

In addition to Fluency for Feelings, the OnFluency approach incorporates a spectrum of healing modalities and techniques. Key principles from Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Emotional Freedom Technique support unconscious explorations. These techniques are applied after establishing an energy of mindfulness, the key self-care skill for increasing awareness and understanding of the relationship to one’s experience and the world around them. Learning and exploration of self-care skills takes place in the safe, relational space OnFluency provides, as we believe the therapeutic relationship itself is the greatest coach.

Any person who finds themself at the point where a need for change is non-negotiable and understands they are their own greatest change agent is a fit for OnFluency. Potential clients take responsibility and have vested interest in developing skills for self-care and well-being. Each client is unique; each session is unique. There may be specific issues and experiences you wish to explore; you may have an awareness of being stuck, boxed-in by history, constrained by limiting beliefs. Or you may simply be open to exploring your human possibilities and potential, to gain a sense of courage and purpose from your unrealized inner resources.

We can work in-person or via Zoom.

Our Programs

OnFluency Coaching Services

It all starts with a single first step.

Though you might feel “broken,” there is nothing wrong with you! We all make sense, no matter how challenging the feelings are or the ways we attempt to get our needs met. We can all move into fluent relationship with ourselves and others through relational fluency healing, restoring a sense of mattering and care for one another with gentleness.

OnFluency invites listeners into a compassionate understanding of the effects of difficult relational events on their automatic brain patterning and sense of well-being. We empathetically consider how trauma splinters our capacity for self-fluency. We teach about how to utilize relational self-fluency to empathetically change and heal.

Ready to start?

Contact us to schedule a FREE  Call and find out how we can help you.

All queries are replied within 24hrs.

7 Day Intensive Coaching
Inception Week
OnFluency™ Inception Week is a personalized week of Fluency facilitation where together we explore challenges you experience relative to certain areas of your life and how these challenges effect you. You will be introduced to the power of your inner capacities for healing and realize an increased sense of personal agency and choice. Inception Week is designed jumpstart your resiliency and skill of fluent responsiveness to whatever life brings you.
7 Day Intensive Coaching
1:1 Relational Fluency Sessions
Mind-Body-Relationship Coaching
45-Day Fluency Program

Offering individualized 1:1 education and coaching to revitalize relational fluency, resilience and well-being. This retainer program follows a personalized track highlighting the difference between ego-based relational energy versus soul-based relational energy. You may begin your Mind-Body-Relationship Program following a Fluency Inception Week.

1:1 Relational Fluency Sessions
Coming Soon…
Support for Business
We support businesses to develop optimal teams and individuals who can fluently deliver their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and secure the success of your business.
Coming Soon…

Supporting your development of skills necessary for self-care and well-being

The Skill-Building Toolkit

If you worked with a mechanic, they would repair your car – that’s what they do; you have to go with their plan. However, OnFluency incorporates the Therapeutic Coaching model, which is a Toolkit of psychological and coaching techniques and models. This means we get to know you as an individual, and we can choose a process to fit you, rather than the other way round. It also affords us the flexibility to adapt methodology to each client’s needs as we go along,


Heal the past so you can create your future and enjoy life in the present. The Relational Fluency approach is based on sound principles of psychology.

Life Coaching

Identify how you feel about certain areas of your life, discover your authentic values, and create a plan for dissolving blocks and realizing your values and aims.


Learn to develop the skill of calming your body’s nervous system and your mind, cultivating an invaluable awareness practice around the power of being in the present.   


NLP is a spectrum of strategies designed to approach change. Develop your skills for optimizing the structure of how you think and believe and experience more fluency in your feelings-states.


Modern psychology combines with ancient traditional energy meridians in a powerful, yet gentle form of somatic ‘tapping’ therapy. Emotional Freedom Technique is an energy psychology.


Permissive, collaborative and empathetic form of therapy where the client is in control, able to access the imaginative and creative resources of the unconscious. Powerful yet driven by ethics and care.

OnFluency Facilitators Nikki Metzler and Mandy Wee, On Fluency
What is


Where we place our attention is where our energy goes. When we look outside of ourselves instead of inside of ourselves, we are looking for reasons to change and to regulate heavy feeling-states. The energy of relating is, therefore, the precursor to the quality of our life. 

At OnFluency, we believe that people are limitless human beings that sometimes feel confined in life by their relationship with their psychology and feeling-states. By exploring the energy of relationship we have to ourselves, others, and our environment, we can dissolve the deeper unconscious patterns which express themselves as blocks in life. OnFluency provides a space of possibility, a safe place to experience relativity, so people might find freedom from these energetic constraints. By experiencing fluency in relational therapeutic space, people find more relative fluency in the quality of their life. Working both therapeutically and in a solution-focused way, we help people change patterned ways of thinking and patterned ways of being to support more freedom, relaxation and fluency in life.

Get Instant Access to The Energy of Relating Fluency Course



What People say

OnFluency Review icon male

Ryan M.

Working with Mandy & Nikki at OnFluency has been a gift.  These two intelligent and intuitive facilitators so uplifting and encouraging that what feels complicated moves to simple in a matter of minutes. Mandy & Nikki communicate powerfully, with such positivity,  and I notice shifts in my unconscious mind happen with ease. I feel myself reconnecting with what feels like a lost part of me. The result is a shift in my being and body – I now experience a new sense of completeness and strength that had always been amiss and it has been with me ever since.

OnFluency Testimonial icon woman

Jessica F.

The OnFluency Facilitation topics were organic, deep and powerful. I now have an arrav of resources including guided meditations, book suggestions and practical tools to aid me in self-soothing into regulated states and being in the present. I have trust in connection with myself and my unconscious, which I was not able to do before. I experienced shifts with some of my old unconscious patterns, (childhood issues, beliefs, values.) OnFluency provides a therapeutic space where I felt seen, felt heard, felt validated, felt contained, felt held and I felt safe. Knowing Mandy & Nikki could be contacted anytime outside of our sessions through Voxer contributed to my sense of felt support. Nikki & Mandy are down to earth, extremely knowledgeable, warm, humorous, gentle and not afraid to go there with you! I highly recommend working with OnFluency!

OnFluency Testimonial icon woman

Samantha S.

Mandy & Nikki are two of the most authentic people l’ve met! They have a way of creating therapeutic sessions with incredible safety. Their lived experiences and skillset alwavs makes me feel at ease and understood. I always look forward to meeting with them. I have already made some progress in my recovery in a couple of months where not much shifts or joy has come with anything else. I can’t recommend OnFluency enough.

OnFluency Review icon male

Jason B.

We did a session on releasing charged emotional energy. Immediately after the session I felt so energized, calm and relaxed. Another profound shift that I experienced is that my neck pain that I had been struggling with for at least a year went away after addressing it in a session, and I have been pain-free for several months since. Working with Nikki & Mandy has been instrumental in my healing and life. I felt completely supported throughout the whole process and highly recommend working with these women at OnFluency!


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OnFluency™ Inception Week

OnFluency™ Inception Week is a personalized seven day intensive of Fluency facilitation where together we explore challenges you experience relative to certain areas of your life and how these challenges effect you. You will be introduced to the power of your inner capacities for healing and realize an increased sense of personal agency and choice. Inception Week is designed jumpstart your resiliency and skill of fluent responsiveness to whatever life brings you.

OnFluency™ Inception Week includes the following sessions:

OnFluency™ Inception Week Session # 1 (approx. 1 hr on Tuesday or Wednesday): Initial session features practical insights about how imagination and thought influences our biology. Includes tools and resources.

OnFluency™ Inception Week Session # 2 (approx. 30 mins on Saturday): Check-in session along with practical, Self-directed neuroplasticity resources for grounding, regulating your state, and state shifting.

OnFluency Inception Week Session # 3 (approx. 1 hr on Tuesday or Wednesday of the Next Week): Follow-up session for assessing sense of agency and choice along with next steps.

Additionally, you have access to communicate with your coaches all seven (7) days via the Voxer app with questions or anything that arises in your personal journey. Clients are automatically enrolled is a six day online supplemental training to support their fluency development. Materials can be utilized at clients pace.

Body-Mind-Relationship Coaching

We follow a bespoke plan designed for developing the skills necessary for self-care of your body, mind and relational fluency. We skillfully and gently explore your current experience to detect the architecture of the primary patterns and issues occurring for you. Your self-fluency will grow as you gain new insights and understanding of yourself as you learn and absorb practical strategies to help you be empowered and more in control of your feeling-states. You will learn how to ‘read’ and respond to your physical and emotional symptoms fluently as you realize your capacity to change and attune using your self-care skills. We use a range of techniques , including our core teaching: Fluency for Feelings.

Life Coaching

Coaching is a long-established method to help sportspeople and business people achieve their goals. But did you know that coaches can help you achieve your health goals?  A coach is someone who consistently holds the focus for your highest potential, believes in you, and guides you through, using their knowledge of the issues and pitfalls en-route. Coaching is about spotting opportunities for improvements as well as sharing tools and tips to help you to move forward. A coach helps remind you of how far you have come and supports you to recognize your qualities, skills, and achievements.

Read research about the effectiveness of using coaching for health here.


Meditation and mindfulness are practices that focus on increasing your awareness and deepening your understanding of your experience and the world around you. Developing the skill of observing and witnessing your own experience gives you essential access to how you function in your everyday life. This gives you information to what needs changing in order to feel better.

Read research about how meditation is considered integral to health improvement and good health here.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, referred to as NLP, is a model about patterns of behavior, thoughts, and experiences. NLP facilitates improving your experience by mapping how you travel from where you are now to where you want to be. As the name suggests, it is about how your neurology (or brain) is programmed to the way you use language when you think, talk, and feel. Neuroscience shows how this can be reprogrammed and that you can change the way you think, talk, and feel. NLP draws on Behavioral Psychology, Hypnosis, Gestalt- and Family therapy.

Read research about the benefits of using NLP for health support here.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Emotional Freedom Technique, often referred to as EFT, is a method of bringing together the Chinese meridian/energy-lines system used in acupuncture with western psychology. Instead of stimulating the meridian points with needles, with EFT you tap on the meridian points with your own fingertips whilst talking about what’s going on. It’s like tuning together two instruments, your brain and your body, to bring your whole system into balance. EFT is a field within Energy Psychology.

Read research about the benefits of using EFT for health support here.

Clinical Hynpnotherapy

Clinical hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, uses methods where you gently close your eyes to more easily access your subconscious with the help of your practitioner. Closed eye protocols help you use your own imagination and knowledge to feel better. This method can help release past trauma and change unhelpful habits. It is invaluable to reduce experiences such as stress (including PTSD) and address symptoms like IBS and pain.