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Supporting your skills development for self-care and well-being

The energy of relating is the precursor to your quality of life.

More About OnFluency

Our mission is to enhance well-being through an improved sense of relational fluency and emotional literacy.
  • We maintain that self-care skills are a vital component for good physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.
  • We maintain that feeling-states, both physical sensations and emotions, are language and inform how we care for ourselves.

  • We maintain that in order to be able to read and respond to our feeling-states, we need to develop fluency in understanding and speaking this sensory language.

  • We maintain that all people can learn how to improve their relational skills through an understanding of their feeling states, achieving fluency.
  • Mission
    Our Approach
    Stewarding well-being begins by attending to the relational energy we feel in ourselves within the domains of mind, body and soul. These energies combine to create our feeling-state at any point in time. Because the energy of relationship expresses as a feeling-state, we learn to explore both physical sensations and emotions alongside our thoughts and beliefs. Language is itself energy. By building the skill of awareness, we understand the current language of our mind, body and soul, the communicated messages of each. By becoming more fluent in these domain-specific languages, we find more alignment and ease within ourselves, resolving perceived conflicts. The result is more free flowing relational energy and enhanced quality of life. This is fluency.
    Supporting Methods
    We explore and develop feelings-language fluency in the domains of mind, body, and soul using tool kits based on Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Clinical Hypnosis, and Mindfulness.
    Therapeutic Relationship
    As reflected in the pioneering work of Dr. Adam Horvath, Onfluency provides, models and teaches the importance of the therapeutic relationship. Whether 1:1 or in group settings, over half the beneficial effects experienced and gained in clients results from the therapeutic effects of the therapeutic relational space. Beginning with the foundational qualities of trust, empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard for people, OnFluency models and teaches clients how to relate to themselves and others in a beneficial way.

    Services Offered

    1:1 Coaching

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    Group Development

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    Magnetized strongly enough pre vending domain overeus all initial results to estimate the in the big bang contradicted.

    Methodology Details

    Most frequent questions and answers

    Coaching is a long-established method to help sportspeople and business people achieve their goals. But did you know that coaches can help you achieve your health goals? A coach is someone who consistently holds the focus for your highest potential, believes in you, and guides you through, using their knowledge of the issues and pitfalls en-route. Coaching is about spotting opportunities for improvements as well as sharing tools and tips to help you to move forward. A coach helps remind you of how far you have come and supports you to recognise your qualities, skills, and achievements

    Meditation and mindfulness are vital practices that focus on increasing your awareness and deepening your understanding of your experience and the world around you. Developing the skill of observing and witnessing your own experience gives you precious access to how you function in your everyday life. This gives you clues to what needs changing in order to feel better.

    Emotional Freedom Technique, often referred to as EFT, is a method of bringing together the Chinese meridian/energy-lines system used in acupuncture with western psychology. Instead of stimulating the meridian points with needles, with EFT you tap on the meridian points with your own fingers while speaking about what’s going on. The effect is aligning your brain and your body, to bring your whole system into balance. EFT is a field within Energy Psychology.

    Neuro-Linguistic Programming, referred to as NLP, is a model about patterns of behaviour, thoughts, and experiences. NLP facilitates improving your experience by mapping how you travel from where you are now to where you want to be. As the name suggests, it is about how your neurology (or brain) is programmed to the way you use language when you think, talk, and feel. Neuroscience shows how this can be reprogrammed and that you can change the way you think, talk, and feel. NLP draws on Behavioural Psychology, Hypnosis, Gestalt and Family therapy.

    We are all in some form of hypnosis all of the time unless we are truly in the now, the present moment. We might be remembering a conversation from earlier, remembering an event from the past, anticipating what is going to happen later . What are we saying to ourselves about the the things we are thinking about? We might be in hypnosis of anxiety, hypnosis of depression, hypnosis of worry, hypnosis of self-judgment, OR is it a hypnosis about excitement of the future?  

    Clinical hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, uses methods where you gently close your eyes to more easily access your subconscious with the help of your practitioner. Closed-eye protocols help you use your own imagination and knowledge to feel better. This method can help release past trauma and change unhelpful habits. It is invaluable to reduce experiences such as stress (including PTSD) and address symptoms like physical pain. The style of therapeutic hypnosis used is permissive and empathic, and so although very powerful, it is driven by ethics and compassion.

    We can help you with…

    Most frequent questions and answers​

    1:1 Coaching

    Magnetized strongly enough pre vending domain overeus all initial results to estimate the in the big bang contradicted.


    Magnetized strongly enough pre vending domain overeus all initial results to estimate the in the big bang contradicted.


    Magnetized strongly enough pre vending domain overeus all initial results to estimate the in the big bang contradicted.


    OnFluency Founders


    Amanda K. Wee

    transformational & Business COACHING

    “It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors.”


    Nikki R. Metzler

    therapeutic Coaching MEQ.Dip.CLIN.hyp.nlp.eft.coach

    Psychology, counselling and therapy have been close to my heart for much of the past 30 years. Following the birth of my children and the debilitating onslaught of  Lyme disease, I made major life changes, retiring from the school district  where I worked the preceding 17 years, teaching music. Throughout my tenure as an educator,  I had begun my own emotional and spiritual journey work through counseling. It wasn’t until chronic illness and onward, however, that I began to dissolved my deepest core fears through the help of various gifted healers, somatically and energetically trained. My experience was shared with and mirrored by my closest friends, supporting me alongside. These supports mixed with a personalized integrative health care plan allowed my body and soul to begin to recover. My own journey has propelled my interest to work with people in a new healing art form.

    I made the courageous choice to retrain as a Therapeutic Coach through the groundbreaking certification program developed by The Optimum Health Clinic. Therapeutic Coaching™ is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), British Institute of Hypnotherapy (BIH), Complementary Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and EFT International.

    I’m passionately curating  the wisdom I’ve accumulated along the way, sharing it with others to support the development of the skills needed for self-care and well-being in their life journeys.


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    Subscribe toWhen we change our relational language with ourselves, we change how our brain works and our well-being.

    Sign up for The Energy of Relating Newsletter to learn the key concepts of relational language fluency. You’ll receive free items along the way like relational fluency guided meditations and self-exploration exercises.

    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

    Neuro-Linguistic Programming, referred to as NLP, is a model about patterns of behavior, thoughts, and experiences. NLP facilitates improving your experience by mapping how you travel from where you are now to where you want to be. As the name suggests, it is about how your neurology (or brain) is programmed to the way you use language when you think, talk, and feel. Neuroscience shows how this can be reprogrammed and that you can change the way you think, talk, and feel. NLP draws on Behavioral Psychology, Hypnosis, Gestalt- and Family therapy.

    Read research about the benefits of using NLP for health support here.

    Body-Mind-Relationship Coaching

    We follow a bespoke plan designed for developing the skills necessary for self-care of your body, mind and relational fluency. We skillfully and gently explore your current experience to detect the architecture of the primary patterns and issues occurring for you. Your self-fluency will grow as you gain new insights and understanding of yourself as you learn and absorb practical strategies to help you be empowered and more in control of your feeling-states. You will learn how to ‘read’ and respond to your physical and emotional symptoms fluently as you realize your capacity to change and attune using your self-care skills. We use a range of techniques , including our core teaching: Fluency for Feelings.


    Meditation and mindfulness are practices that focus on increasing your awareness and deepening your understanding of your experience and the world around you. Developing the skill of observing and witnessing your own experience gives you essential access to how you function in your everyday life. This gives you information to what needs changing in order to feel better.

    Read research about how meditation is considered integral to health improvement and good health here.

    Clinical Hynpnotherapy

    Clinical hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, uses methods where you gently close your eyes to more easily access your subconscious with the help of your practitioner. Closed eye protocols help you use your own imagination and knowledge to feel better. This method can help release past trauma and change unhelpful habits. It is invaluable to reduce experiences such as stress (including PTSD) and address symptoms like IBS and pain.

    Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

    Emotional Freedom Technique, often referred to as EFT, is a method of bringing together the Chinese meridian/energy-lines system used in acupuncture with western psychology. Instead of stimulating the meridian points with needles, with EFT you tap on the meridian points with your own fingertips whilst talking about what’s going on. It’s like tuning together two instruments, your brain and your body, to bring your whole system into balance. EFT is a field within Energy Psychology.

    Read research about the benefits of using EFT for health support here.